How to compare numbers in vector list?


Viewed 59 times


I have an integer vector list in java (Arraylist Listvet).

public static ArrayList<Integer> ListVet;

And I need to make a comparison between two numbers from that same vector list. So, I did this:

for (int i=0; i<ListVet.size();i++)


      if (ListVet[i] > ListVet[i+1])




However, this error occurred:

Multiple markers at this line

  • The type of the Expression must be an array type but it resolved to Arraylist

Why did you make this mistake? Thank you.

  • 1

    Simple: an object of the type ArrayList is not a vector, so does not accept the index operator [idx]. I believe you wish to use the method get(idx) in this specific case. Taking advantage, your code has a runtime bug: the last index that can be accessed is list.size() - 1, and with the variable i you arrive at exactly that amount, but you also use i+1 that exceeds the limits and therefore bursts exception

1 answer


Arraylist is an object, and as in Java there is no way to overwrite operators like [] to access the position of the list, you have to use methods, ie, ListVet.get(i) > ListVet.get(i+1)

If you create an array itself, it has a static size, such as Integer[] ListVet, then you will access with ListVet[i].

  • What if I wanted to make the value of the previous vector list receive the value of the later vector list? Type: Listvet[i] = Listvet[i+1]. The vector would look like this, but in the vector list, it doesn’t work like this.

  • You would have to use another method, Listvet.set(i, Listvet.get(i+1))

  • The first is the value of the list, and the second is the value that will replace the "i", correct?

  • 1

    The first argument corresponds to the position of the list, and the second to the value you will insert.

  • Thank you. :) :)

  • Just one more question: How do I convert an Integer Arraylist to String, and vice versa? Thank you.

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