Link sharing on Facebook


Viewed 395 times


I’m making a system for my course and I found a big problem in the part where I should share the site link directly on Facebook.

I have the button on my site that opens the Facebook publishing window, I’m sending this link to be shared:


However, when the link goes to Facebook, I click on it to open it, but the link will only:


I mean, he erases the &codigo=3. How to fix this mistake?

function mensagem (codigoConteudo) {
    var link = ""+codigoConteudo;, 'facebook_share', 'height=320, width=640, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no',"gl");

1 answer


I get the impression that it is because the value passed (which is an entire URL) is not properly encoded for URL. Try:

var link = "" + encodeURIComponent("http://localhost/BACKUPS_TCC/09/Sistema3009/areaAdm.php?pag=lerMais.php"+codigoConteudo);

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