Return list to ajax


Viewed 272 times


I have this function to load some data, but the need to load a list and include in a table the function was thus:

    public ActionResult CarregaProduto(string id)
            var item = db.Produtos.Where(r => r.Codigo == id).Single();
            var produtoempresa = db.ProdutosEmpresas.Include(a => a.EmpresaProduto).Where(a => a.ProdutoEmpresa.Codigo == id).ToList();
            return Json(new
                nomeProduto = item.nome,
                precoUnitario = item.PrecoCusto,
                id = item.Id,
                tipo = item.TipoProduto,
                Resultado = item.Codigo,
                listaEstoque = produtoempresa,

        catch { return Json(new { Resultado = 0 }); }

To produtoempresa returns to list, but how can I send the data and upload it, via HTML ?

Here is the function:

function CarregaProduto(id) {
    var url = "/PedidoVenda/CarregaProduto";

        url: url
        , data: { id: id }
        , type: "POST"
        , datatype: "html"
        , success: function (data) {
            if (data.resultado != 0) {
                var preco = ((data.precoUnitario));
                $("#precocusto").val(parseFloat(preco).toFixed(2).replace(".", ","));
            else {
                $("#descricaoproduto").html("Não encontrado, pesquise novamente.");

How can I load the list in this function CarregaProduto ? I managed to send, put one console.log(data.listaEstoque); it is returning the data correctly: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I tried to add in a div, this way:

 var dvItems = $("#dvItems");
                $.each(data, function (i, item) {
                    var $tr = $('<li>').append(data.listaEstoque).appendTo(dvItems);

But it doesn’t work either, how to load the data ?

  • 1

    Ta, I don’t understand your doubt, but first you should be returning a Jsonresult and not an Actionresult

  • In html you can receive this data via ajax and le them

  • @Marcosbrinner I need to carry one table, i am using MVC CORE

  • @Marcosbrinner I need to send beyond these data that are in the Json Return, I need to return now too list

  • @Marcosbrinner edited the question, now I think it’s clearer, I just need to load the data in html, I tried to load a div, but it didn’t work.

1 answer


I don’t quite understand your doubt. But, come on:

  • Return a Jsonresult;
  • Browse the product and add to the list that will return in JSON;

Below was a solution I used here in the company to use Googlechart returning a Json:

    public JsonResult Filtro(string dataInicio, string dataFinal, int? searchContrato)

            int qtdeAjuda = QuantidadeAjuda(dataInicio, dataFinal, searchContrato);

            List<Analytics> g = new List<Analytics>()
                new Analytics(13, "Ajuda" + "(" + qtdeAjuda + ")", qtdeAjuda ),


            return Json(new { JSONList = g }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        catch (Exception ex)
            return Json(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);                

See if this can help you in relation to your doubt. Below is just a return example to give you a north in solving your problem.

$(function () {
        dataType: "json",
        type: "GET",
        url: "/Home/GetDados",
        success: function (dados) {
            $(dados).each(function (i) {
                document.writeln("<p>Nome: " + dados[i].Nome + " | URL: " + dados[i].URL + "</p>")

  • Unused core I don’t have the option to use JsonRequestBehavior in case your solution doesn’t work for me.

  • I edited the question, I just need to pass the data to html, the way I’m doing is not working.

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