Is it possible to assign a value different from the value acquired from an OPTION in a SELECT when submitting the form to PHP?


Viewed 36 times


Well, I believe the title of this question has been confused, but I’ll try to elaborate on my problem.

I’m developing a project with the Codeigniter framework (I’m a beginner) where I have a php/html page with a form that contains some data brought from the database into each <option> of a <select>:

<select id="estado" name="estado">
   <option selected disabled hidden>Selecione um estado</option>
      <?php foreach($estados as $uf): ?>

       <option value="<?php echo $uf->id_estado ?>">
            <?php echo $uf->estado ?></option>

    <?php endforeach; ?>


<select id="cidade" name="cidade">
   <option selected disabled hidden>Selecione uma cidade</option>

   <?php foreach($cidades as $cid): ?>

      <option value="<?php echo $cid->id_estado ?>">
         <?php echo $cid->cidade ?></option>

   <?php endforeach; ?>

In the <select> status value is filled with the status id and content with the state name.

In the <select> of the city the value is filled with the foreign key referring to the state in which the city belongs and the content with the name of the city.

The problem is that I need to pass the city id when submitting the form instead of the foreign key. I passed the key instead of id just so that the cities to be displayed are only those belonging to the previously selected state.

This is the Javascript/Jquery code responsible for controlling the view:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $("#estado").change(function () {

 // a cidade inicia selecionado em "SELECIONE UMA CIDADE"
        $("#cidade").val($("#cidade option:first").val());

        var estado = document.getElementById("estado").value;
        var cidade = document.getElementById("cidade");

   for(var i = 0; i < cidade.length; i++){         
 /* se a chave estrangeira tiver o mesmo valor que o id do estado
  selecionado a opção será exibida, caso contrário a opção não aparecerá.*/

        if(cidade.options[i].value == estado){
            cidade.options[i].style.display = 'block';

            cidade.options[i].style.display = 'none';

I wonder if it is possible to pass the city id to the form without affecting the display of these equivalent elements or if there is a more practical way to display this data and allow me to send the correct id.

Thank you from now on for anyone who can help me!

1 answer


I believe the best option is to store the state ids in the attribute dataset, instead of value.

echo "<option value='{$cid->id_cidade}' data-id_estado='{$cid->id_estado}'>{$cid->cidade}</option>"

This way you can retrieve the information with the attribute dataset using the stated key, in that case, id_estado

    if(cidade.options[i].dataset.id_estado == estado){
        cidade.options[i].style.display = 'block';
    } else{
        cidade.options[i].style.display = 'none';

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