Abstract unit tests


Viewed 273 times


I am having a problem using abstract classes to keep the common code of my tests, shutdown boot etc... I use a concrete class only to initialize the variables. The code inherited from the abstract class does not run when running the tests, I believe it is some configuration missing, follow an example code:

        namespace meusTestes
            using System;
            using System.Collections.Generic;
            using System.Linq;
            using System.Text;
            using NUnit.Framework;

            public abstract class AbTest
                public abstract string getString();

                public void SharedTest()
                    Assert.NotNull(getString()); //Don't execute

            public class RealTest : AbTest
                public override string getString()
                    return " "; //Don't execute

                public void InternalTest()
                    Assert.IsTrue(true); // Execute

The Internaltest runs correctly, but the inherited test (Sharedtest) of the abstract class does not, my doubt is why the inherited test does not run.

  • "O código da classe abstrata não é executado (...)" From what you posted, she doesn’t even have code that can be executed.

  • In the Nunit documentation it is possible to inherit the tests, it follows: May not be Abstract - Although the attribute may be Applied to an Abstract class intended to serve as a base class for test fixtures. http://www.nunit.org/index.php?p=testFixture&r=2.5.9

  • I’m not sure what it might be, but have you tried writing an empty override? Something like: public override void SharedTest() : base() { }

  • Well around, I’ll post the answer, thanks Gypsy

2 answers


Following the suggestion of the Gypsy follows the code:

namespace meusTestes
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using NUnit.Framework;

    public abstract class AbTest
        public abstract string getString();

        public virtual void SharedTest()

    public class RealTest : AbTest
        public override string getString()
            return " "; 

        public void InternalTest()

        public override void SharedTest() { base.SharedTest(); }


The class AbTest nay need to be abstract, because you don’t have to worry about instantiating those classes, since Nunit will do it for you.

I always use "base" test classes to encapsulate implementations that will be reused in daughters and works smoothly for calls from base.Metodo() and properties protected.


Remove the abstract.

  • It is still a solution, but in the question I do not include, I want to force the child classes to implement the getString() method. Something very similar to Template method.

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