
Viewed 30 times


I’ve separated my route modules: 1 - product.routing.module.ts Where I have the route of /product and its daughters /product/new /product/Edit 2 - app.routing.module.ts Where I have the roots routes of my application /Orders /customers but did not put the route /product

When I put in my app.module.routing.ts { path: ŋ**', Component: Pagenotfoundcomponent }

When I access my route /products appears the Pagenotfoundcomponent

It only works if I put path: >*' ( with an asterisk ) but does not load the daughter routes of /products, which I must do?


  • Vice must use lazymodule in app.routing.module.ts. it will look like this: export const Approuter: Routes = { path: 'product', loadChildren: './product/product.module#Productsmodule' },

  • So it only works with lazyloading?

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