Sort strings on a struct array in C


Viewed 50 times


I’m trying to sort alphabetically strings in a string array in a struct, but for some reason the names get bugged

#define TV 10
#define TC 100

typedef struct ficha {
    char nome[TC];
    int dependentes;
    float salario;
    int atendimentos;
    char email[TC];


void ordenarDadosString(FICHA usuario[TV], int qntdUsuarios)
    int i, trocou, ls = qntdUsuarios - 1;
    char aux[TC];
    aux[TC - 1] = '\0';
    do {
        trocou = 0;
        for(i = 0; i < ls; i++) {
            if(strcmp(usuario[i].nome, usuario[i + 1].nome) > 0) {
                strcpy(usuario[i].nome, aux);
                strcpy(usuario[i + 1].nome, usuario[i].nome);
                strcpy(aux, usuario[i].nome);
                trocou = 1;
    } while(trocou);

Here is a print of what appears when trying to sort Here the full code, if it helps

  • Ordain structs based on a field of struct that’s it ?

  • yes, exactly this, in case I managed to do this with variable int, but with error strings at the time of making the exchange, do not know pq

  • This question has basically what you want although the comparison is done in an entire field instead of in a string. In practice changes very little even, just have to use the strcmp instead of comparing directly

  • I was, I was trying to understand what it was like in the example they sent me, thank you guys

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