Direct Link with page information


Viewed 94 times


A few days ago Blogger changed their video sharing system.

Before they provided 1 link like this

Now to have the video they put a button with the option to download the own.

by clicking on the link this address is provided.,ipbits,expire,id,itag,source,requiressl,mm,Mn,ms,mv,pcm2cms,pl,usequic,ei,susc,mime,ratebypass,dur,lmt,title,ext&signature=E85EBCD5D391F70A366AE951359DE9AD7F94DAEA3F561CEB30F3D4FB9C72D2B9.D550EE879059EEEB2E99F0E7E361F99D0C918A4E4B2230343421D5D19D058E01&key=us0

Using the console I went to search for information on how the download is done.

and this came to me

enter image description here

Using the Network tab I had this information enter image description here

enter image description here

Using this information it is possible to create a direct link? that does not need to be clicking on the Download button.

Just using the video id? in case it is mediaId

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