Update data that has many to many relationship with Entity Framework


Viewed 44 times


I’m trying to update an object and the only thing that doesn’t update is his relationship from many to many the rest as name and surname update

    public IActionResult AtualizarProfessor(int id, string nome, string sobrenome, List<int> listaDeIdDasTurmas)

        Professor professor = new Professor(nome, sobrenome);
        professor.Id = id;
        if (listaDeIdDasTurmas == null || listaDeIdDasTurmas.Count() == 0)
            return View();

        foreach (var turmaId in listaDeIdDasTurmas)
            Turma turma = _turmaRepository.ObterTurmaPeloId(turmaId);

            if (turma == null || turma.Id == 0)
                return View();

            var professorturma = new ProfessorTurma();

            professorturma.ProfessorId = professor.Id;
            professorturma.TurmaId = turma.Id;


        if (!professor.ValidaProfessor())
            ViewData["Message"] = "Envie os dados do professor de forma correta!";
            return View();

        return RedirectToAction("cadastrarprofessor", "Admin");

    public void Atualizar(Professor professor)
        using (var contexto = new MinosContext())
  • in case is not persisting the classes added? Teacher is an entity? or just a model? how is stated the relationship with Classes?

  • Good afternoon friend, you can show the code of this context.Update method(teacher);

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