How to display the metadata of Shape and raster files in Postgresql?


Viewed 54 times


Good afternoon! First, this is the first post I do on the forum and I’m a beginner in the Postgresql/Postgis issue. I am working on a project that involves spatialized databases in which I need to find the best way to display in Postgresql the metadata of my shapes and rasters files, which are being edited and created. After a lot of research, I couldn’t find anything that would really help me... Because the metadata is housed in the Shape xml file, they don’t go to Postgresql, and that’s exactly what I wanted, to display them. The only thing I found in this line would be to create a table with the metadata I want to display and link it to the tables of my products. Is there really no possibility of displaying this information in the database without creating a table? Anyway... I don’t know if I was very clear but basically what I need is to display the metadata of my files in Postgresql. Any idea?



1 answer


If you can read the XML file before saving data to your table and your table would have a 'text' field to store the file metadata, this would serve?

Take a look at the link from php help and see if it fits.

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