Turn the value into String for Integer


Viewed 68 times


I need to fix this mistake:

"Can not deserialize value of type java.lang.Integer

from String "R$5,000.00": not a Valid Integer value".

I need to transform the string parameter (R$ 5,000.00) to integer (5000).

Treatment I started:

var valorAplicacao = vm.valor.replace('R$ ', '').split(".").join("").replace(',', '.');
valorAplicacao = parseFloat(valorAplicacao);    
  • The error ta kind of clear, there is no integer value being passed, but a string. "R$" is not number.

  • Another thing, will the result always be an integer? Ex: if the string is R$ 5,23, the result will be whole (5) or float (5.23)?

  • The error seems to be java but the code seems to be javascript. Confirm this situation in your question.

  • Guys, Ricardo Pontual’s solution is the most viable. It worked normally.

2 answers


Your code is almost right, but let’s think about what we should do:

  • Remove the "R$";
  • Remove the ".";
  • Replace the comma with ".";
  • Convert to whole;

In that order, it would look like this:

var numString="R$ 5.000,00";
var numInteiro = parseInt(numString.replace('R$', '').replace('.','').replace(',', '.'));


  • Ricardo, the script I posted was already returning the entire value. To keep the value literally whole, I put your suggestion parseint(...). Thanks for the support.

  • Got it. I used the parseInt to be sure. I just did not understand why they went negative the question and the answers, without taking the trouble to leave a comment.

  • Your solution is ok! So I informed as valid solution. I don’t know why they did it. Thank you!


Your monetary value has decimal places, but you explicitly said you want to convert to whole, so my suggestion ignores the decimal places of your string:

var numString  = "R$ 5.000,00";
var numInteiro = numString.replace(/[^\d,]/g, '').split(',')[0];

console.log(numInteiro); // Saída: 5000

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