Chrome back button does not return to home page


Viewed 126 times


I’m having a really boring problem, the thing is I have an iframe on a page

<div class="iframe">
    <iframe align="top" allowtransparency="true" application="true" frameborder="0" height="360px" hspace="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="content" scrolling="no" src="Link do Iframe" vspace="0" width="100%"></iframe>

It works properly, the problem is when I click the back button of the Chrome browser, instead of it going back to the main page (Home) it remains from the same page that is inserted the iframe.

When selecting the back and hold button, I checked that the iframe link somehow got curled, is there any way I can block the addition of url’s (Iframe) in the back button history?

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