How can I get Serialnumber from the BIOS


Viewed 37 times


I’m searching and can’t find a VB6 function to fetch the machine’s BIOS by running the system.

Can someone help me?

1 answer


Option Explicit

Private m_mainWmi As Object
Private m_deviceLists As Collection

Private Function GetMainWMIObject() As Object
  On Error GoTo eh
  If m_mainWmi Is Nothing Then
    Set m_mainWmi = GetObject("WinMgmts:")
  End If
  Set GetMainWMIObject = m_mainWmi
  Exit Function
  Set GetMainWMIObject = Nothing
End Function

Public Function WmiIsAvailable() As Boolean
  WmiIsAvailable = CBool(Not GetMainWMIObject Is Nothing)
End Function

Public Function GetWmiDeviceSingleValue(ByVal WmiClass As String, ByVal WmiProperty As String) As String
  On Error GoTo done
  Dim result As String

  Dim wmiclassObjList As Object
  Set wmiclassObjList = GetWmiDeviceList(WmiClass)
  Dim wmiclassObj As Object
  For Each wmiclassObj In wmiclassObjList
    result = CallByName(wmiclassObj, WmiProperty, VbGet)
    Exit For

  GetWmiDeviceSingleValue = Trim(result)
End Function

Public Function GetWmiDeviceList(ByVal WmiClass As String) As Object
  If m_deviceLists Is Nothing Then
    Set m_deviceLists = New Collection
  End If

  On Error GoTo fetchNew

  Set GetWmiDeviceList = m_deviceLists.Item(WmiClass)
  Exit Function

  Dim devList As Object
  Set devList = GetWmiDeviceListInternal(WmiClass)
  If Not devList Is Nothing Then
    Call m_deviceLists.Add(devList, WmiClass)
  End If
  Set GetWmiDeviceList = devList
End Function

Private Function GetWmiDeviceListInternal(ByVal WmiClass As String) As Object
  On Error GoTo eh
  Set GetWmiDeviceListInternal = GetMainWMIObject.Instancesof(WmiClass)
  Exit Function
  Set GetWmiDeviceListInternal = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub Form_Load()

  Dim CPU As String
  CPU = GetWmiDeviceSingleValue("Win32_Processor", "ProcessorID")
  Text1.Text = CPU

  Dim BIOS As String
  BIOS = GetWmiDeviceSingleValue("Win32_BIOS", "SerialNumber")
  Text2.Text = BIOS

End Sub
  • In the previous answer I put to capture the drive. Our fault. Now this is for bios.

  • Okay. VLW thank you.

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