How to get total sales by months with mysql


Viewed 275 times


I have a sales chart that records the date and time of sale.

The output format is this:
"2018-09-02 15:00:08"

I wanted to get the total sales per month but I’m having difficulty to assemble the query. How can I filter only the month from a more complex data like the one I have?

The result should be similar to this:
January - 10 sales
February - 5 sales

Table structure:

id | data_hora | total_pagamento

1 answer


Just group by year and by month:

SELECT CONCAT(LPAD(MONTH(data_hora), 2, '0'), '/', YEAR(data_hora)) mes, COUNT(id) qtde
FROM nome_da_sua_tabela
GROUP BY YEAR(data_hora), MONTH(data_hora)


  • YEAR() - Returns the year of a date.
  • MONTH() - Returns the month of a date.
  • CONCAT() - Concatenates the values passed separated by ,.
  • LPAD() - Completes a string until she gets a specific amount of characters.
  • COUNT() - Counts the returned lines.


He is responsible for grouping the consultation, in this case by year and by month. See more about him here.

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