Client application in Heroku


Viewed 23 times


My application is a client application where it consumes a Proxy API and shows the data received in 'ejs'.

But when deploying in Heroku, when I try to access the URL displays the message below:

2018-11-06T17:10:10.423095+00:00 Heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/api/users/simonjefford/Detail" request_id=538b1d06-c096-4c1f-95ec-e87823a08f7f Fwd="" Dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=17ms status=304 bytes=151 Protocol=https

NOTE: On my local machine, the application works perfectly

  • and what is the normal functioning? You could inform ?

  • It finds the path "/api/users/simonjefford/Detail" and returns the normal data... However I was able to solve, is that on the page had a file that he searches in the internet and was in HTTP and as the link is in HTTPS, for security reasons I had to change to HTTPS tbm

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