How do I repeat a phrase that the user has typed in n times in js?


Viewed 818 times


My code that is not working, how do I repeat the phrase that the user typed?

Because what I did isn’t working?

Since it’s a college issue, I need to resolve it with the tie for.


  • can explain better the problem??

  • post your code and not images of it... we can not edit or copy if there is something wrong...

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2 answers


The for statement creates a loop consisting of three optional expressions, within parentheses and separated by semicolons, followed by a statement or a sequence of statements executed in sequence.

for (inicilização; condição; incremento) {
    // código que será repetido

Because what I did isn’t working?

Since it’s a college issue, I need to resolve it with the tie for.

Note that in the inicialização of your loop for you do i<0 condition that does not exist. For this you should declare the variable i as being negativa, for example -2 and in that case the loop would be executed from -2 up to the previous number as indicated in the prompt, i.e., i<q.

See in the example below the step-by-step code being executed with the variable i being declared negative.

    var i =-2;
    var nome = prompt("Digite qualquer nome:");
    var q = prompt("Informe a quantidade de vezes que você quer que repita:");

    for(i<0; i<q; i++){
      console.log( i + " " + nome);

or by initiating in this way for(i=-2; i<q; i++){, that is, from i = -2 to the value immediately below the one at the prompt

    var i;
    var nome = prompt("Digite qualquer nome:");
    var q = prompt("Informe a quantidade de vezes que você quer que repita:");

    for(i=-2; i<q; i++){
      console.log( i + " " + nome);

To have your code run exactly the number of times typed at the prompt, change the startup to i=0

var i;
var nome = prompt("Digite qualquer nome:");
var q = prompt("Informe a quantidade de vezes que você quer que repita:");

for(i=0; i<q; i++){


Use the function repeat:

var palavra = "oi";
var quantidade = 10;


In the excerpt of your code, would look like this (adapt as your need):

var i;
var nome = prompt("Digite qualquer nome:");
var q = prompt("Informe a quantidade de vezes que você quer que repita:");
q = parseFloat(q);


Using for:

var i;
var nome = prompt("Digite qualquer nome:");
var q = prompt("Informe a quantidade de vezes que você quer que repita:");
q = parseFloat(q);

var resultado = "";

for (var i = 1; i <= q; i++)
	resultado += nome;



  • This is a college issue and I need to settle it with whatever.

  • added with the use of For. But if it’s a question of college, try to study to understand the error and what part of the code is having difficulty

  • Thank you very much friend.

  • blza settled, please mark as solved the answer. thank you.

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