Loading from inside partialview js/css


Viewed 256 times


Good morning,insira o código aqui

I am unable to load . js/. css when loading the partialview

in the layout

<!DOCTYPE html>

    @RenderSection("header", required: false)

    @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)

in the index view

@section header{
    @Styles.Render(...)<carrega de boa>
    @Scripts.Render(...)<carrega de boa>

    ViewBag.Title = "Usuários";

<div class="row">


@section Scripts {

in partialview

@section header{
    @Scripts.Render("~/Content/plugins/datatables/js")  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<NÃO CARREGA>

<table id="#example" class="table-striped table-bordered tableHeader-skin-blue" style="width:100%">

I wonder why the script I put in partialview is not being added to html?

Would anyone know to tell me?

1 answer


Your web.config is allowing debug?

    <compilation debug="true|false" />

As you are only using a javascript file, it sometimes pays more to call it in the native method:

<script src="~/Content/plugins/datatables/arquivo_min.js"></script>

And you can center all your js and css files in the default layout(master page), or on the parent page.

If it still doesn’t work, run a F12 in Chrome and see the Console tab for errors on your page, you’ll probably be telling us what the error is.

Anything sticks here the mistake for us.

  • Thank you Fabricio, i’m putting: @Section header{ @Scripts.Render("~/Content/plugins/datatables/js") } na partial and is not even added on the page. (which will be a user table didn’t want to spend every waking hour declaring this guy).

  • And did it work by changing some of the things I said? Tried to see the Chrome console error?

  • Yes as debug and working, just does not load the dll, the partial header Section is not loaded in the page header

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