Error Passing Object To Other


Viewed 35 times


Eai personal. I am new in java and an error is happening where I want to pass an object from one class to another object from another class and keeps giving the following error.

incompatible types : Patient cannot be converted to String. I know what it means but I don’t know how to fix the mistake. My test class is as follows.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import model.Hospital;
import model.Medico;
import model.Paciente;
import model.Visitante;
import model.Doenca;

public class Teste {

public static void main(String[] args){

   Paciente novoP = new Paciente("Joao da Silva", "174526", "Jardin das   flores", "1745181");
   novoP.setAlergia("Alergia a agulha");

   Visitante novoV = new Visitante("Maria do Rosario", "14751", "Jardin das Flores", "1475145");

   Visitante novoV2 = new Visitante("Marta do Rosario", "14758", "Jardin das Flores", "1475125");

   ArrayList<Visitante>visitantes = new ArrayList<>();


   Doenca novaD = new Doenca();
   novaD.setInternado(novoP); //aqui é onde ocorre o erro, "internado" é o atributo que eu passo o objeto "novoP".


public static void hospital(Hospital hos){



Class Patient

package model;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Paciente extends Pessoa {
private String alergia;
private String idade;
private ArrayList<Visitante>visitas;

public Paciente(String nome, String cpf, String endereco, String  telefone) {
    super(nome, cpf, endereco, telefone);

public String getAlergia() {
    return alergia;

public void setAlergia(String alergia) {
    this.alergia = alergia;

public String getIdade() {
    return idade;

public void setIdade(String idade) {
    this.idade = idade;

public ArrayList<Visitante> getVisitas() {
    return visitas;

public void setVisitas(ArrayList<Visitante> visitas) {
    this.visitas = visitas;

public String toString() {
    return "Paciente: "+super.toString()+"{" + "alergia:" + alergia + ", idade:" + idade + ", visitas:" + visitas + '}';


Class Disease

package model;

 import java.util.ArrayList;

 public class Doenca {
 private String nome;
 private String internado;
 private String medicoNome;

public String getNome() {
    return nome;

public void setNome(String nome) {
    this.nome = nome;

public String getInternado() {
    return internado;

public void setInternado(String internado) {
    this.internado = internado;

public String getMedicoNome() {
    return medicoNome;

public void setMedicoNome(String medicoNome) {
    this.medicoNome = medicoNome;

public String toString() {
    return "Doenca{" + "nome:" + getNome() + ", internado:" + getInternado() + ", medicoNome:" + getMedicoNome() + '}';

  • Adds all the classes involved in the question, it seems to be an error of inheritance ma without seeing the classes has no way to confirm.

  • Where does that mistake come from?

  • I would need to check the other classes, but probably the object Doenca is with the variable Hospitalized as String type, when it should be the type Patient.

  • this in the Test class. This commented

1 answer


The error is quite clear, as you yourself noted:

Here is the method that arrow the variable internado:

public void setInternado(String internado) {...}

He gets a String. Now, what you’re passing on to this method is a Paciente:


novoP, in this case, it is of the type Paciente, as it happens here: Paciente novoP = new Paciente(...);

To solve this error, it would be better to modify your class Doenca to deal directly with an object of the type Paciente, which I imagine is your intention (to have a patient associated with the disease), correct?

1) Instead of String internado, have a Paciente internado.

2) The method of setInternado() shall then receive a Paciente.

3) The method of getInternado() now returns a Paciente.

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