Problem with JAVA paths


Viewed 57 times


I am on a project and I find myself with the following problem.

a part of the code has the following:

  Path caminho2 = Paths.get("C:\\Users\\Evandro\\Documents\\Java\\Player beta 0.9\\src\\Capas\\Gifs".replace("\\", "/"));
        List<Path> listaCapas2;
        try {
            listaCapas2 = Files.list(caminho2).collect(Collectors.toList());
            listaCapas2.forEach((capas2) -> {
                listaImagem2.add(new Image(capas2.toFile().toURI().toString()));
        } catch (IOException ex) {

I need this "path" to be for all computers, not just for my.

"Path path path 2 = Paths.get("C: Users Evandro Documents Java Player beta 0.9 src Gifs Covers". replace("\", "/"));"

  • System.getProperty("user.dir"); returns the user working directory, independent of the machine.

  • however when using this, ; String camioo = pastaGeral + " Documents Java Player beta 0.9 src Gifs Covers"; my project would have to stay in the documents on the other computer. I want the path to be automatic, regardless of the folder where the project is located.

  • Then do a routine to create a new directory inside the returned by System.getProperty("user.dir");. Because every operating system has a user folder.


  • This folder is inside the java project or is an external resource?

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