Exit code: 139 plugin Sqlplus Jenkins what is this error?


Viewed 59 times


I have a Jenkins working for some time but we need to make the builds integrated with Oracle so I used Sqlplus Script Runner, and this occurring an ero already searched in several places but nothing gives me an idea of why the error follows:

Setting JDK1_8_192_HOME=/var/lib/Jenkins/tools/Hudson.model.JDK/JDK1-8-192 [43] $ /opt/oracle_11/client_1/bin/sqlplus -L user/pass@DB @/tmp/temp-script-15410242206632532672140431784649.sql Process exited with status 139

Exit code: 139

bold text java.lang.Runtimeexception: Process exited with error at org.jenkinsci.plugins.sqlplus.script.runner.Sqlplusrunner.run(Sqlplusrunner.java:446) at org.jenkinsci.plugins.sqlplus.script.runner.Sqlplusrunnerbuilder.perform(Sqlplusrunnerbuilder.java:174) Buildstepcompatibilitylayer.perform(Buildstepcompatibilitylayer.java:81) at Hudson.tasks.Buildstepmonitor$1.perform(Buildstepmonitor.java:20) at Hudson.model.Abstractbuild$Abstractbuildexecution.perform(Abstractbuild.java:744) at Hudson.model.Build$Buildexecution.build(Build.java:206) at Hudson.model.Build$Buildexecution.doRun(Build.java:163) at Hudson.model.Abstractbuild$Abstractbuildexecution.run(Abstractbuild.java:504) at Hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1819) at Hudson.model.Freestylebuild.run(Freestylebuild.java:43) at Hudson.model.Resourcecontroller.execute(Resourcecontroller.java:97) at Hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:429) ERROR: Process exited with error Finished: FAILURE

Variables are all defined ORACLE_HOME, PATH, TNS_ADMIN

Someone would have an idea of the cause ?

  • Problema resolvido

Reinstalei as libs libaio libaio-devel libaio-devel libstdc++ elfutils-libelf-devel sysstat libgcc unixODBC unixODBC-devel compat-libstdc++ compat-libstdc++

Refiz a configuração da variável ORACLE_HOME e TNS_ADMIN e o problema foi resolvido.

1 answer


Problem solved;

Reinstalei as libs:> libaio libaio-devel libaio-devel libstdc++ elfutils-libelf-devel sysstat libgcc unixODBC unixODBC-devel compat-libstdc++ compat-libstdc++

I changed the configuration of the variable ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN and the problem was solved.

I did the test of reinstalling Oracle through the installation file of Oracle’s own website only for confidence-free, after the reinstallation of these libs.

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