Editing Table layout


Viewed 33 times


Good afternoon!

I have basic CSS knowledge, and I’m having a hard time completing a task. I need to create an email for an abandoned cart in Magento. Follows the model that is.

    <td>{{var row_item_row_number}}</td>
    <td><a href="{{store url="catalog/product/view" id="$row_item.product.id"}}">{{var row_item.name}}</a></td>
    <td align="center"><img src="{{thumbnail size="75" source="row_item.product"}}" alt="" /></td>
    <td>{{var row_item.product.description}}&nbsp;</td>
    <td align="right">{{var row_item.price_incl_tax|formatPrice}}</td>
    <td align="right">{{var row_item.qty_ordered|formatDecimal}}</td>
    <td align="bottom">{{var row_item.row_total_incl_tax|formatPrice}}</td>
    <td align="right"><a href="{{store url="review/product/list" id="$row_item.product.id"}}">Leave a review</a></td>

I needed to let it basically look like the photo, image 250 x 250 product name on the right side with low price and buy button. Someone could tell me how to stylize, I’m very lost because as I said I have no knowledge of variable. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


Talk face blz?

Kind of tricky to help you because you can’t see your code and it would also be boring for you if I did all the html right? rs

If the problem is only to make the layout and you know how to call the information of Magento (as product name, product photo etc) I believe this article here will help you a lot

Just by making this example you’ll get the concept right.

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