How to focus on a specific DIV and blur the rest


Viewed 657 times


Is there a Javascript/Jquery library that of a targetdelimiting an area in a DIV specific and blur the rest ?


I added a new item to the menu and as soon as I loaded the screen this one focus on top and blurred the rest to stay in evidence ?

Note: I believe you will have to work with coordinates because you wanted to have the freedom to put this target anywhere on the screen

Hypothetical photo:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Just a question, when you say "blur" you want the rest of the menu to be with a "blurred" effect like same blurred, or you want the item when clicked appears that red border?

  • @hugocsl exactly this, as soon as you load the screen, it will blur (blurred) the entire page and just leave and evidence the new item, with this border/target delimiting it there if it is clicked anywhere this summary styling ... this is to 'show' new features, to help operators who are 'visual'

  • border: 10px solid red?

2 answers


I made this model only with CSS, using a little JS you can do the way you want, just adapt to your situation there.

The idea and put in the element that encompasses all the content a filter:blur(), and when you click on btn vc removes the filter from container which has the rest of the content.

This is just an example, I used label + input to make the dynamics of the ok thing

#btn {
  display: none;
#btn:checked + .holder .fake {
  display: none;
#btn:checked ~ .blur {
  filter: blur(0);
.holder {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 2;
.btn {
  width: 60px;
  height: 30px;
  line-height: 30px;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;
  position: absolute;
  cursor: pointer;
.blur {
  filter: blur(6px);
<input type="checkbox" id="btn">

<div class="holder">
  <label class="btn">btn</label>
  <label class="btn fake" for="btn">btn</label>
<div class="blur">
  <p>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Praesentium maiores vero asperiores quisquam assumenda laudantium quidem esse dolores. Voluptatem velit et officia iste. Autem corrupti, asperiores in maxime alias explicabo.</p>
  <img src="" alt="">
  <p>Possimus quo alias veniam! Obcaecati ea ipsam unde, sit dolorum architecto, deserunt in aperiam recusandae neque qui officia minus provident. Similique adipisci recusandae facere reiciendis cupiditate repellat, dolores nisi maxime?</p>
  <img src="" alt="">
  <p>Porro, harum repudiandae dolores praesentium ducimus pariatur voluptate, nihil doloremque ratione obcaecati inventore laboriosam veritatis. Minima dolore molestiae tempore repellendus consequatur quisquam voluptates, incidunt repellat accusantium eaque? Magni, totam! Animi.</p>
  <p>Sunt delectus odit facere impedit officiis, ea rerum nobis nesciunt iure atque quisquam, maiores, tempore earum suscipit eaque nihil nostrum. Nihil quaerat laborum adipisci autem veritatis vero recusandae reiciendis voluptatem!</p>
  <p>Sequi enim commodi culpa impedit quos nostrum repudiandae consequatur ullam. Quaerat necessitatibus repellat odio, velit eos beatae iste eaque sed quas, consequuntur doloremque iure voluptate totam asperiores culpa. Perferendis, odio.</p>
  <p>Aspernatur eius rerum harum necessitatibus natus repellendus sit optio perspiciatis voluptatum, consectetur corporis magnam adipisci debitis, voluptatem ea aliquam quaerat explicabo. Sit atque quas tempore assumenda tempora nam culpa non?</p>
  <p>Sed, dolor architecto. Error voluptate exercitationem beatae accusamus id voluptatum modi architecto nemo harum eveniet ex totam, blanditiis dolorum deleniti, est necessitatibus? Consequatur blanditiis nulla quod pariatur sed adipisci nisi?</p>
  <p>Itaque laudantium alias, vel placeat cupiditate omnis, possimus aut, corrupti at suscipit nostrum veritatis fuga consequuntur aliquid reiciendis laboriosam! Beatae, et ratione atque neque assumenda sunt ut laborum laboriosam ad!</p>
  <p>Amet autem omnis atque provident facere praesentium sint, consequuntur illum adipisci libero assumenda vero natus quis reiciendis hic alias iure nemo, quaerat, sequi ex! Consequuntur voluptates excepturi tempore esse repellendus.</p>
  <p>Sapiente consequuntur recusandae soluta debitis sequi totam ratione obcaecati veritatis laborum deserunt, incidunt quae quia nostrum harum illum quaerat ipsum a deleniti vel voluptatibus vitae! Commodi rerum reiciendis quas magni?</p>


You can work with the property position and z-index CSS... By clicking on the desired element you add a 100% div with the desired background and define the position and the z-index above this div created to overwrite the rest of the content.

  • That helps 70% of the problem. But the point is that I need to work with coordinates to have the freedom to play this target anywhere on the page, and it doesn’t have to be on the click, it would be when loading the page.

  • You cannot play this target through an identifier?

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