Doubt to use Replace together with Inner Join


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I’m using the Inner Join to combine two tables:

SELECT eventos.colab_id, colaboradores.setor 
FROM colaboradores INNER JOIN eventos
ON = eventos.colab_id

So far so good, however I have cases where I need to eliminate the character " of eventos.colab_id. The REPLACE does this, but I am not knowing how to use the syntax along with the Inner Join.

  • I can not update because I just want to consult, without changing the table.

2 answers


Does not change the JOIN in the question, can apply replace normally:

SELECT REPLACE( eventos.colab_id, '"', '') AS colabid, colaboradores.setor 
FROM colaboradores INNER JOIN eventos
ON = eventos.colab_id

If it’s in comparison:

SELECT eventos.colab_id, colaboradores.setor 
FROM colaboradores INNER JOIN eventos
ON = REPLACE( eventos.colab_id, '"', '');

Now, if this is the second case it is much better to fix the bank and leave the field as numeric. To definitely remove the quotation marks:

UPDATE eventos SET colab_id = REPLACE( colab_id, '"', '');

and after that convert the column to whole, to avoid problems.


The function REPLACE of MySql has the following syntax:

REPLACE(str, find_string, replace_with)


  1. A string
  2. The string you want to replace
  3. The string that will replace the fetched occurrence of item 2

In your case, it would look like this:

    SELECT eventos.colab_id, REPLACE(eventos.colab_id,'"',''),  colaboradores.setor 
    FROM colaboradores INNER JOIN eventos
    ON = eventos.colab_id

If it’s on the second table, it looks like this:

   SELECT eventos.colab_id,  colaboradores.setor 
   FROM colaboradores INNER JOIN eventos
   ON = REPLACE(eventos.colab_id,'"','')


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