Format DD-MM-YYYY string jquery date


Viewed 6,987 times


I have a field 'DATE' that receives information from DB in the format below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I would like to insert the following pattern: DD-MM-YYYY.

Below is the javascript that inserts the data into the field:

function setSelectedZoomItem(selectedItem) {
    var info = selectedItem.type.split("___");

    if (info.length > 1) { }

    if(selectedItem.type == "filiais"){
    }else if(selectedItem.type == "setores"){
    }else if(selectedItem.type == "chapafunc"){


3 answers


In addition to the aforementioned method of creating an object of the date type, you can also simply format the string with a regular expression in this way:

var data = '2016-12-08 00:00:00.0';
var dataFormatada = data.replace(/(\d*)-(\d*)-(\d*).*/, '$3-$2-$1');


There are some ways to do this, I’ll offer my way that can be a little tricky.

$("#dataadmissao").change(function() {
  var data = new Date($(this).val()); //cria um objeto de data com o valor inserido no input
  data = data.toLocaleDateString('pt-BR'); // converte em uma string de data no formato pt-BR
  $(this).val(data); // insere o novo valor no input
<script src=""></script>

<input type='text' id='dataadmissao'></input>


Another way would be using the function split() javascript:

let data = "2016-12-08 00:00:00.0"; 
let split = data.split(' '); //separa a data da hora
let formmated = split[0].split('-');


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