Recover from Oracle Dump


Viewed 40 times


I received an Oracle 11g database for analysis, but the dump file is in format .datp . I couldn’t find any reference anywhere on the internet about this type of file. The client’s instructions are "have to use Oracle" but:

1- I have superficial knowledge in Oracle

2- that database should be migrated from Oracle to Mysql

3- I have Oracle XE 11g installed but even it doesn’t have any tool that opens this file (at least not apparently).

Some light on how to open and import this database to Oracle or Mysql?

1 answer


Have you tried using the command impdp?

I found the following example:

impdp SPEND_DBA/SPEND_DBA@ SPEND102 directory=dump

To see the full description of the example above access this link.

  • 1

    It worked perfectly, thank you!

  • @user3021610 I’m glad it worked! When possible, mark as an answer that can help more people. :)

  • I forgot to do it, thank you for reminding!

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