Two different conditions are valid for the same value


Viewed 56 times


   <? if($online['status']==1){?>
    <span class="badge badge-primary"><?php echo lang('texto um'); ?></span>

   <? }?>

     <span class="badge badge-danger"><?php echo lang('texto dois'); ?></span>
   <? }else{?>

   <? }?>

In the table is printing both, but it was to print according to the status in the table.

What is wrong?

  • And what is the value of $online['status']? Take care of the loose comparison, she can fool you in many situations.

  • Varies from 1 and 4 . Always prints the four texts instead of only the text corresponding to the status

  • Check if the value is coming right? Give a var_dump($online) and post the result.

1 answer


Try to do so. Whenever there is a new condition in "if" use "elseif":

       if($online['status'] === 1){
      <span class="badge badge-primary"><?php echo lang('texto um'); ?></span>
      }elseif($online['status'] === 2){
      <span class="badge badge-danger"><?php echo lang('texto dois'); ?></span>
      etc etc etc etc continua
  • 1

    I find it interesting that you explain why you’ve changed == for ===, because it is fundamental to understand your answer.

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