Store query result in a PDO Session


Viewed 30 times


I have a SELECT that generates results normally, but when I need to take the value of some column to use on another page it does not work.

Query code and attempt to pass the result from a column to a Session:

$login = $conexao->prepare("SELECT pessoa.id_login, pessoa.nome 'pnome',
pessoa.id_funcao, pessoa.id_pessoa 'idP', funcao.funcao
FROM login as login
JOIN pessoa as pessoa
on login.id_login = pessoa.id_login 
OIN funcao as funcao 
on pessoa.id_funcao = funcao.id_funcao 
WHERE login.login= :user AND login.senha=:passwd LIMIT 1"); 

$login->bindParam(":user",$user, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$login->bindParam(":passwd",$passwd, PDO::PARAM_STR);


   echo $_SESSION['user'] = $user;
   echo "<br>".$_SESSION['passwd'] = $passwd;
   echo "<br>".$_SESSION['id_pessoa'] = $login->id_pessoa;
   echo "<br>".$_SESSION['abc'] = $login->pnome;

Error that PHP returns:

Note that the SESSIONS that had the value assigned by the variables $user and $passwd work normally.

  • if you assigned an alias (person.id_person 'idp') you should use it in the idp case, but I’m not sure, I believe the correct one would be (person.id_person as idp)

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