Excel - Insert values within text


Viewed 41 times



I am creating an excel where I would like to insert values (in function) within text. I want to pass values from Column F12 to H12.

I want to insert text here where it says [here]

 UPDATE public_ads SET ads_price = [aqui] WHERE ads_reference = [aqui];

How do I excel so that you automatically insert a new line?

  • 1

    Welcome Stackoverflow Rui. At what point do you want to pass values from column F12 to H12? The text you showed in the question is clearly SQL, this text will be in some Excel cell and you want to complement it? Do you already have some code written, or have you tried some code you might mention in the question, so we can better understand the problem?

  • I’ve already made it

  • ="UPDATE public_ads SET ads_price = "&F12&" WHERE ads_reference '"&$B12&"';"

  • But I need help, I want around the F12 with only 2 Decimals...because it shows with 100.000000

  • You can use the function ARRED(F12, 2). Post an answer then to get documented your solution (can help other users in the future).

  • but how to use here "&F12&"??

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You can use the formula CONCATENATE as below

=CONCATENAR ("UPDATE public_ads SET ads_price = [";F12;"] WHERE ads_reference = [";H12;"];")

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