I am displaying a list of users, pull from Firebase and display in Page Ionic, when I display user data, I put the ID as Hidden
Here I get the data from Firebase
<ion-thumbnail item-start>
<img src="https://ionicframework.com/dist/preview-app/www/assets/img/thumbnail-rotla.png">
<h2 hidden>{{f.id}}</h2>
<h1 text-wrap><strong>{{f.nome}}</strong></h1>
<p text-wrap><strong>{{f.cidade}}</strong></p>
<button ion-button (click)="verPessoa(f.id)" block color="primary">
From that f.id I need to move to another screen to display only the data of that particular user
Is there an error when you move to another screen? The problem function is the
? If so, include the function in your question.– Renata
Actually, this code I sent is from the screen where I took the firebase data, it displays a list of all users, each user has an ID, when I click there on the function verPeople I want to go to another page and only show the data of this specific user because each user has its own button with this function verPeople
– William Sgobi
Behold here an example of browsing between pages passing parameters.
– Renata