Copying Files using System Calls


Viewed 41 times


I’m having trouble using write(), read(), close(), open() functions to copy a text file to a new file (previously created).

After some research I obtained the following code:

#include <fcntl.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    char ch;
  // FILE *source, *dest;
int n, iDest, iSource;

   iSource = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY);

   if (iSource == -1)

   iDest = open(argv[2], O_WRONLY);

   if (iDest == -1)
    while (n = read(iSource, &ch, 1) > 0){
  write(iDest, &ch, 128);


   return 0;

Initially I had 2 errors saying that O_RDONLY and O_WONLY were not declared. After a search I decided to use "#include fcntl. h" but I still have problems. This time what happens when I open the destination file is as follows:

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1 answer


This is wrong:

while (n = read(iSource, &ch, 1) > 0)
  write(iDest, &ch, 128);

you are reading 1 byte and writing 128.

the above code is also wrong because of operator precedence: the way it is, it is as if it were written

while (n = (read(iSource, &ch, 1) > 0))
  write(iDest, &ch, 128);

the correct is to force the execution order explicitly with the parentheses:

while ((n = read(iSource, &ch, 1)) > 0)
  write(iDest, &ch, 128);

Assuming you want to copy in 128 byte blocks, you need to make the following changes:

char ch[128];
while ((n = read(iSource, ch, 128)) > 0)
  write(iDest, ch, n);

As for the message "the Document was not UTF-8 Valid", use an editor that accepts any content, not just files with UTF-8 content. Could be for example the editor "gvim".

  • Thank you very much! But yes my problem was in reading bytes. I just wanted to read one at a time and while copying an old code I forgot to change.

  • Could you mark the answer as please accept ? is the symbol on the left, right there under the fledgling down

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