VUE v-for value filter


Viewed 423 times


I have the following object array below. I need to list in a v-for only records where the variable parent be equal to 4, and I’m not getting it.


this.full_category_list = [
        id: 1, 
        name: 'Sólido',
        parent : 0,
        id: 2, 
        name: 'Líquido',
        parent : 0
        id: 3, 
        name: 'Madeira',
        parent : 1
        id: 4, 
        name: 'Ferro',
        parent : 1
        id: 5, 
        name: 'Chapas',
        parent : 4
        id: 6, 
        name: 'Tubos',
        parent : 4
        id: 7, 
        name: 'Vigas',
        parent : 4
  • 1

    Create a computed property that matches this list. And in v-for use this property.

1 answer


You can use the computed to solve the problem.


new Vue({

    el: '#app',

    data: {

        meus_valores: [/** **/]

    computed: {

        meus_valores_filtrados: function () {

            return meus_valores.filter(function (valor) {
                return valor.parent === 4;

In your view, you display like this:

<li v-for="valor in meus_valores_filtrados">
    <!-- sua lógica aqui ->

I set an example in the snippet, for you to see working "live".

Check it out:

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {

        valores: [

                   id: 1, 
                   name: 'Sólido',
                   parent : 0,

                   id: 2, 
                   name: 'Líquido',
                   parent : 0

                   id: 3, 
                   name: 'Madeira',
                   parent : 1

                   id: 4, 
                   name: 'Ferro',
                   parent : 1

                   id: 5, 
                   name: 'Chapas',
                   parent : 4

                   id: 6, 
                   name: 'Tubos',
                   parent : 4

                   id: 7, 
                   name: 'Vigas',
                   parent : 4


    computed: {

        valores_filtrados: function () {

            return this.valores.filter(function (valor) {
                return valor.parent === 4;
<script src=""></script>

<div id="app">
    <li v-for="valor in valores_filtrados">
       {{ }} - {{ }}

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