Change an image every click


Viewed 690 times


Good people, I have a problem here. I searched here and on the Internet several times and I did not have an answer that would help me enough, I still have doubts.

I have a website and I have "Collapsible" sectors, so to illustrate, I would like to put an arrow pointed up and when I clicked, pointed down, or whatever. I was able to do this, however, just once, if I click again, the image stays down and does not change any more until I refresh the page. I put the image at the beginning of the text, below I have an example.

In fact, what I really wanted was for her to change when I clicked on any part of the title of the "Collapsible" item, but for now I only got her to change when I clicked on it.

Anyway, that’s two questions in the case. How do I get her to stay in "loop" and every time I click she changes? and How do I get it to click on the title as well??

I put the javascript code together to facilitate my tests, the idea is to move to another file later. I’m a beginner, I have experience with HTML and CSS, but javascript is very basic, I’m remembering a lot of HTML and CSS with this project that has not been moving for a long time and would like a jauda. Thank you very much!

HTML with Javascript code together:

<div class="card">
   <div class="card-header" role="tab" id="headingTwo">
      <h5 class="mb-0">
	 <h1 class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseTwo" ng-click="alert_step2()">

	 <img id="example" onclick="changeImage()" src="assets/img/arrow_up.png" width="20" height="25">

	 function changeImage(){								 
              if (element.src.match("out")){

									Step 2 - Acknowledge Your Strengths (highest scores)

                      <div class="card">
                    <div class="card-header" role="tab" id="headingTwo">
                      <h5 class="mb-0">
                        <h1 class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseTwo" ng-click="alert_step2()">

                                <h1 class="change"><img class="change img-change" src="assets/img/arrow_up.png" style="width: 20px; height: 25px">Step 2 - Acknowledge Your Strengths (highest scores)</h1>

Remembering that the script that Mateus Veloso gave me is under that Ollapse

Updated code:

                  <div class="card">
                    <div class="card-header" role="tab" id="headingTwo">
                      <h5 class="mb-0">

                                $('.change').click((e) => {
                                  var img1 = 'assets/img/arrow_up.png';
                                  var img2 = 'assets/img/arrow_down.png';
                                  var element = $('.img-change');
                                  if(element.attr('src') === img1){
                                  }else if(element.attr('src') === img2){

                       <h1 class="collapsed change" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseTwo" ng-click="alert_step2()"> <img class="change img-change" src="assets/img/arrow_up.png" style="width: 20px; height: 25px">Step 2 - Acknowledge Your Strengths (highest scores)</h1>


2 answers


I made a functional example, I think it is possible to have an idea of how to do observing it, the example I created is very simple, if you need something more complex can comment below.

$('.change').click((e) => {
  var img1 = '';
  var img2 = '';
  var element = $('.img-change');
  if(element.attr('src') === img1){
  }else if(element.attr('src') === img2){
<script src=""></script>
<h1 class="change">Testando Click</h1>
<img class="change img-change" src="">

Example with pure javascript!

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('change');
elements[0].addEventListener("click", click);
elements[1].addEventListener("click", click);

function click(){
  var img1 = '';
  var img2 = '';
  var element = document.getElementById('img-change');
  if(element.src === img1){
    element.src = img2;
  }else if(element.src === img2){
    element.src = img1;
<h1 class="change">Testando Clique</h1>
<img class="change" id="img-change" src="">

  • I think he wants it with pure Javascript.

  • @Leandrade I’ll create another example then!

  • 1

    Done @Leandrade

  • I have another question Matthew, first of all Thank you! Second, I put in the code and made the necessary changes, however, Collapse no longer opens, is working the image exchange, but does not expand and shows the hidden information more, how can I solve?

  • @Eduardobacarin remembering that your Collapse should continue with all tags before, the ideal would be to see how is this your code snippet, post your current Collapse!

  • <H1 class="collapsed" data-toggle="Collapse" data-Parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo" Aria-Expanded="false" Aria-Controls="collapseTwo" ng-click="alert_step2()"> the class and all attributes should be maintained in that case

  • I’ll post the Collapse code here.

  • It’s done Matthew, if you can take a look, I’d appreciate it. I didn’t modify it, I just put in the script and it stopped working

  • @Eduardobacarin hello, delete <H1> <H1 class="change"><img class="change img-change" src="Assets/img/arrow_up.png" style=": 20px width; height: 25px">Step 2 - Acknowledge Your Strengths (Highest Scores)</H1> and add the class change in the above Collapse, thus staying : <H1 class="collapsed change" data-toggle="Collapse" data-Parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo" Aria-Expanded="false" Aria-Controls="collapseTwo" ng-click="alert_step2()">

  • The problem is that Voce created a new H1 you understand ? your old one that gets the click to expand its content, is simply copy everything from the top or delete the bottom one!

  • I just copied what you posted and pasted, and it’s not working, I think I’m missing something simpler, like call the JS file or something, I’m really breaking my head with this... I don’t know how to put it all together :/

  • Calm young make the change I asked you that will work

  • Do just that, <H1 class="collapsed change" data-toggle="Collapse" data-Parent="#accordion" href="#collapseTwo" Aria-Expanded="false" Aria-Controls="collapseTwo" ng-click="alert_step2()"> <img class="change img-change" src="Assets/img/arrow_up.png" style="width: 20px; height: 25px">Step 2 - Acknowledge Your Strengths (Highest Scores)</H1>

  • Ta ai the code that will put in place, realize that I deleted the <H1 that Voce added and pasted the variable change on H1 that already existed , understood ?

  • I think I did the way you said, Matthew. Forgive the hardship hahaha, I’m trying to learn right yet... I put the code up to date, the way you talked to me, copied it and replaced it. Look there please. I even put the script there so you can see. What’s wrong? The arrow appears, the Collapse works, but it doesn’t change the image.

  • No problem @Eduardobacarin , the <script> tag has to be below , the problem is this , is probably generating a javascript error because at the time of execution of your script the element has not yet been created on the page, got it ? play <script>...tag. </script> there end of page that will work

  • Dear heaven! You helped me with a problem that I was here all day trying! Thank you so much indeed! Thank you for your patience and tips! A huge hug for you!

  • If my answer helped you, evaluate it with the green haha, thank you! @Eduardobacarin

  • I don’t know how to work the platform much yet, but I guess it was, right?

  • It worked yes haha, thank you! needing ....

  • Matthew, I’m back! hahahha I had a little problem. I have to do this in 12 collapses, when I went by in the second, when testing, when I click on the second collapse, the arrow image of the first exchange together, that is, the two photos exchange together regardless of which I click, what can I do? I changed the collapsetwo to trhee, and the alert_step2 to alert_step3, nothing changed.

  • This would be a topic for another question, how to do this in a functional and simple way, ask the question and send the link here, I will go there on time and create the code to help you!

  • ta Mateus, thanks!

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Apparently you’re using the Collapse Bootstrap together with component card.

If applicable, Collapse shows/hides elements through classes:

  • In the element that is hidden classes are added:

    • .collapse to hide the contents;
    • .collapsing during the transition;
    • to display the contents
  • In the element that activates Collapse:

    • .collapsed when the element is hidden

That being said, with CSS you already know whether the element is showing or hiding through the presence or absence of the class collapsed on the activator. This way you can use other CSS tricks to add arrows in the .card-header and transform the .card-header integer in the activator of accordeon.


<div class="card">
    <div class="card-header" id="headingOne" 
        data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseOne">
        <h5>Card title</h5>
    <div id="collapseOne" class="collapse show">
        <div class="card-body">Card content</div>

Snippet using the pseudo selector :after together with the property content to create the status indicators:

.card-header {
  cursor: pointer;

.card-header:after {
  content: '▲';
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  right: 10px;

.card-header.collapsed:after {
  content: '▼';
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<div class="container">
    <div class="accordion" id="accordionExample">
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-header bg-primary text-white" id="headingOne" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseOne">
                <h5 class="mb-0">Collapsible Group Item #1</h5>

            <div id="collapseOne" class="collapse show" data-parent="#accordionExample">
                <div class="card-body">
                    Anim pariatur cliche reprehenderit, enim eiusmod high life accusamus terry richardson ad squid.
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-header collapsed bg-primary text-white" id="headingTwo" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseTwo">
                <h5 class="mb-0">Collapsible Group Item #2</h5>
            <div id="collapseTwo" class="collapse"data-parent="#accordionExample">
                <div class="card-body">
                    3 wolf moon officia aute, non cupidatat skateboard dolor brunch. Food truck quinoa nesciunt laborum eiusmod.
        <div class="card">
            <div class="card-header collapsed bg-primary text-white" id="headingThree" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseThree">
                <h5 class="mb-0">Collapsible Group Item #3</h5>
            <div id="collapseThree" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingThree" data-parent="#accordionExample">
                <div class="card-body">
                    Brunch 3 wolf moon tempor, sunt aliqua put a bird on it squid single-origin coffee nulla assumenda shoreditch et. 

  • Thanks for your help, Fernando, but I think the problem is in the little piece here in front of the computer. I’m having a lot of difficulties to make it work in the system, I did it on a blank page to see how it is and everything is ok... I got the system already very advanced, not knowing how to move right yet. But I really appreciate the help! I’ll keep trying to see what I can do

  • hahaha... blz, good luck there eduardo!

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