Access Javascript local variable and PHP variable stores


Viewed 41 times


Good night!

How could I store the data of the variable "test" in "$variavelphp". As this code today the variable "test" is not accessible.

If it is not possible how I could access the value of the variable "test" in "teste2" in another part of the code.

                var ref = firebase.database().ref('Profissionais').orderByChild('Nome');

                //var u = 0;

        ref.on('child_added', function (snapshot) {
            var profissional = snapshot.val();
            if (profissional.provider == "usuarios" || profissional.provider == "Facebook" || profissional.provider == "Firebase" || profissional.provider == "Usuarios") {
                 teste =  "<tr><td>" + snapshot.key + "</td><td>" + profissional.Nome + "</td><td>" + profissional.Email + "</td><td>" + profissional.provider + "</td><td><a href='usuario.php?id=" + snapshot.key + "' class='btn btn-round btn-fill btn-info'>Consultar</a></td></tr>";




        $variavelphp = "<script>document.write(teste)</script>";


<script type="text/javascript">

var teste2 = teste;



1 answer


Good morning, my friend. I suggest, after taking the data from Firebase, you do a post/get to a PHP page and take the data of the request itself.

If it’s GET, it would be like this:

$variavel = $_GET['teste'];

If it is POST:

$variavel = $_POST['teste'];

This way, you can pass the Javascript information to PHP. But, only with requests: POST, GET, PUT, etc...

I hope I’ve helped.

  • Hello, young man. Welcome to Stackoverflow. That doesn’t answer your question. It seems that the author of the question is trying to access a Javascript variable by PHP, this is not possible and, as already indicated above in the comments, there are several answers on the site about the subject.

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