
Viewed 813 times


Good afternoon Guys, I’m doing a WEBSERVICE to consume a company API. But with the code below the return is always "SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Object has no 'Active' Property" I don’t know what else to try someone can give a hint.


$wsdl = '';
$method = 'SalvarMarca';
$login = 'login';
$password = 'senha';

$arrContextOptions = [
    "ssl" => [
        "verify_peer" => false,
        "verify_peer_name" => false,
        'crypto_method' => STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT,

$options = [
    'uri' => '',
    'style' => SOAP_RPC,
    'use' => SOAP_ENCODED,
    'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2,
    'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
    'connection_timeout' => 500,
    'trace' => true,
    'encoding' => 'UTF-8', //ISO-8859-1
    'exceptions' => true,
    'stream_context' => stream_context_create($arrContextOptions),
    'login' => $login,
    'password'=> $password

$wsu = '';

$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,$options);
$soapHeaders[] = new SoapHeader($wsu, 'UsernameToken', $login, $password);

$params[] = [
    'marca' => [
        'MarcaID' => 8888, //int 8 obrigatorio
        'Nome' => 'MARCA MAICON', //string 50 obrigatorio
        'Url' => "",
        'Logotipo' => '', //string 50 obrigatorio
        'Ordem' => 111, //int 8 nao_obrigatorio
        'ativo' => true, //boolean true/false obrigatorio
        'CodigoIntegracao' => '1999999'

$request = new SoapVar($params, XSD_ANYXML);

try {
    $result = $client->__soapCall($method, $params);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $result = $e;
  • The correct parameter is 'active' or 'active'?

1 answer


Message: "SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: Object has no 'Active' Property

Your error message indicates that you expect an object named "Active" and cannot find.

Please try to change the parameter from 'active' to 'active' by staying:

$params[] =  ['marca'=>[
    'MarcaID'=>8888, //int 8 obrigatorio
    'Nome'=>'MARCA MAICON', //string 50 obrigatorio
    'Logotipo'=>'', //string 50 obrigatorio
    'Ordem'=> 111, //int 8 nao_obrigatorio
    'Ativo'=> true, //boolean true/false obrigatorio

I hope it helps.

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