Load information into modal inputs based on id sent by clicking the data-id link


Viewed 52 times


Using the bootstrap documentation, made a change of a href for button

<button type="button" class="btn-a" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#EditaFoto" 
    data-whatever="<?php echo $row['idfoto']; ?>"  
    data-whateverdatavisita="<?php echo $row['datavisita']; ?>" 
    data-whateveridvisita="<?php $row['idvisita']; ?>" 
    data-whateverpercetandamento="<?php $row['percentandamento']; ?>"
    data-whatevercaminhofoto="<?php $row['caminhofoto']; ?>"
    data-whateverdescricaofoto="<?php $row['descricaofoto']; ?>"
 <i class="fas fa-edit"></i>

When you click the button it loads the information and sends it to Modal.

In the JS:

$('#EditaFoto').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {
    var button = $(event.relatedTarget) // Button that triggered the modal
    var recipient = button.data('whatever') // Extract info from data-* attributes
    var recipientdatavisita = button.data('whateverdatavisita')
    var recipientidvisita = button.data('whateveridvisita')
    var recipientpercetandamento = button.data('whateverpercetandamento')
    var recipientcaminhofoto = button.data('whatevercaminhofoto')
    var recipientdescricaofoto = button.data('whateverdescricaofoto')

    var modal = $(this)
    modal.find('.modal-title').text('ID Foto ' + recipient)


Only in case it’s only working these two parts:

data-whatever="<?php echo $row['idfoto']; ?>"  
data-whateverdatavisita="<?php echo $row['datavisita']; ?>" 

The rest aren’t loaded. In PHP everything is right and the data is coming feed the variables.

  • first that the link does not have an id to be referenced. $("EditaFoto") you need to start with #, thus: $("#EditaFoto") otherwise it will search for a tag called "Editafoto" (ie <EditaFoto> </EditaFoto>)

  • So how else can I pass this id? the id I get with <?php print($row['idf']); ?> I just don’t know how to get past this to Modal and load the data.

  • Then you put only the link you click to open the modal, the data is presented in a table? Note that this answer does not help you: https://answall.com/questions/239981/

  • I made a modification here in the code, but it is not loading all the data. I edited the question.

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