Date balance in mysql


Viewed 128 times


I have a table requests and would like to return to the following situation. select all orders of a current month idClient by summing the values of the same. type select * from pedidos where idCliente = id and dataPedido(search month type 10/2018) sum(valortotalPedido) I’m not getting because the date field in mysql is as follows 2018-10-01 22:02:01 or is standard format. I don’t know if I was clear but I appreciate anyone who can help

  • 1

    The Mysql field is perfect. Things work exactly in this format, what is missing is you use proper logic in comparison (which may eventually arise in the answers).

2 answers


To return the sum of values per client:

$mes = date('m');
$ano = date('Y');

SELECT sum(valortotalPedido) FROM pedidos
WHERE idCliente = $id and Month(dataPedido) = $mes and Year(dataPedido) = $ano

How the query uses the aggregation function sum, it will not be possible to return the list of requests consistently, since the "total valuePedido" field will be grouped.


Get the date you use Day/Month/Year convert to Year/Month/Day, take the year and month the date provides and put in query.

// Data recebida Dia/Mês/Ano
$data       = '01-11-2018 22:02:01';
// Converta a data para Ano/Mes/Dia
$data       = date('Y-m-d G:i:s', strtotime($data));
// Pegue o Mês da data
$mes        = date('m', strtotime($data));
// Pegue o Ano da data
$ano        = date('Y', strtotime($data));
$query  = "SELECT * FROM $this->table WHERE MONTH(data) = ':MES' AND YEAR(data) = ':ANO'";

Change the date format:

date('Y-m-d G:i:s', strtotime('01-10-2018 22:02:01'));


2018-10-01 22:02:01

More information: date strtotime

  • Thanks friend, based on your reply I got what I wanted as follows $mes = date(’m'); $ano = date('Y'); $query = "SELECT SUM(total valuePedido) AS total FROM $this->orders WHERE MONTH(dataPedido) = :data AND YEAR(dataPedido) = :year AND idCliente = :id";

  • You’re welcome, @Lucianodepaula

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