How to customize routes?


Viewed 261 times


I have a controller called login and a view of the same name. When I access the login page, the URL is displayed this way: ~/Login/Login

It is possible to customize this route, so that the link stays like this: ~/Login?

1 answer


In this controller Login there is some Action ? Take a look at your Global.asax and see how the default route is:


      "Default", // Padrão 
      "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // Parametros da URL
      new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } 


But in this you can put so:

new { controller = "Login", action = "NomeDaActionDentroDaControllerLogin", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Along with everything, this way:

"Default", // Padrão 
   "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // Parametros da URL
   new { controller = "Login", action = "NomeDaActionDentroDaControllerLogin", id = UrlParameter.Optional } 

It’s okay to have a View as the same name of Controller, but look at the route pattern in this file Global.asax. And put it the way I put it here, and also check how this route is being called for example, if you are via localhost, it should appear in the default way as in the route:


If any Action within the Logincontroller in your project, call is View Login with the same name, in the URL should only be called as


It’s not called the View, is called the Action.And then the Action will render to the View that you created within her !

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