What I am trying to do is the following: I need to send a request in which an ID should be returned, as soon as I recover this ID triggers another request that finally registers the data on the server. This processing should be done in a repeat structure that iterates my task list in which, at each iteration, two requests should be made one to fetch the user id another to register a task.
function consulta_retorna_id(nome){
return get_id(nome);
function insere_tarefa(id, tarefa){
set_tarefa(id, tarefa);
//person = arquivo json local
for (x in person) {
var id = consulta_retorna_id(person[x].nome);
My challenge is to work with the http calls asynchronism, since the requests happen independently but must obey an execution flow in which first recover the id then inserts
Cool and what have you done? Where exactly are you finding some difficulty?
– Leandro Angelo
I haven’t made the code yet, I couldn’t come up with a strategy to solve this
– Breno Pinheiro
If the id of the user you will be looking for on the first request is the id of the logged-in user, then store it in/Storage instead of making random requests. The site to help specific problems, make the code base structure the way you know, if you have a question, then ask
– Costamilam
@Guilhermecostamilam No, user is not logged in
– Breno Pinheiro