I have a calendar that returns me by clicking on a date the month, year, and day.
I wonder if anyone has done an algorithm so that through these data, ex: 20/10/2018, I get the name of the day of the week. Ex: "Saturday"
Any idea how to do this? Any help is welcome.
I tried to:
getNomeDiaSemana() {
//Algoritmo para descobrir o dia da semana que o usuário selecionou
let a = ((12 - this.mes) / 10);
let b = this.ano - a;
let c = this.mes + (12 * a);
let d = b / 100;
let e = d / 4;
let f = 2 - d + e;
let g = (365.25 * b);
let h = (30.6001 * (c + 1));
let i = ((f + g) + (h + this.dia) + 5);
let j = (i % 7); //Resto de I por 7, onde 0=SAB, 1=DOM, 2=SEG, 3=TER, 4=QUA, 5=QUI, 6=SEX
//Testa o resultado e retorna
switch (j) {
case 0:
return "Sábado";
case 1:
return "Domingo";
case 2:
return "Segunda";
case 3:
return "Terça";
case 4:
return "Quarta";
case 5:
return "Quinta";
case 6:
return "Sexta";
return "Erro ao tentar retornar o dia da semana";
but falls into error.