I cannot call Javascript function in textbox


Viewed 692 times


I have the following java script function to format my date fields:

function MascaraData(data){
    event.returnValue = false;
return formataCampo(data, '00/00/0000', event);

but I cannot call the function in my page’s textbox

meu campo TextBox data inicio

  • If possible, include messages from your browser console in the question :)

  • Have you considered using jQuery.Mask() ?

  • $("#Textboxdatainicio"). Mask("99/99/9999");

  • With Asp or input?

2 answers


I decided as follows:



try like this.

<input type="text" onkeypress="MascaraData();" id="TextBoxDataInicio" />

function MascaraData() {

    TextBoxDataInicio = document.getElementById("TextBoxDataInicio");
    data = TextBoxDataInicio.value;

    if (mascaraInteiro(data) == false) {
        event.returnValue = false;
    TextBoxDataInicio.value = formataCampo(data, '00/00/0000', event);
  • if I switch to input, it will compromise some things I have here in the project. It has to be Asp: same.

  • The input was what I used for testing, to show that I would not need to pass "Form1.data". You can continue using Asp:Textbox

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