How to read multiple TXT files and save the strings in a Nsarray?


Viewed 501 times


Explanation of the scenario:

Read the contents of various extension files .txt and save the strings of each file separately in one NSArray, in this case, in each index of the array.

Obstacle: - There are more than 60 different files, although the text is small. - Have different names Ex.: descDeVassoura.txt, descLampada.txt.

NOTE: I already got a method to read the files and store in a string. But the problem is to read several files at once, and have control in the ordering in which they are kept in the NSArray.

1 answer


For those with this problem, of having to read several files with different names, you can put their names as numbers and use a looping for to point to each of them.


Best proposal, is to use a database, in the case of Sqlite, recommend the use of the Core Data framework to do the management.

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