Adding +x to each record returned in a SELECT


Viewed 179 times


For example, in a select in the bank, will be returned 5 records:

SELECT * FROM esc_usuarios
WHERE usu_indicador_codigo = '" . $_SESSION['codigo'] . "'
AND usu_situacao = 'ativo'"

Then I want to assign a value to each record, for example 10. Now I want to give a echo in the sum of the value of all these records, i.e., 5 (select records) x 10 (value assigned to each record), then returning the number 50. How can I do that?

Update 0: New query

SELECT usu_nome, (
          (SELECT (count(usu_codigo)*10) FROM esc_usuarios WHERE usu_indicador_codigo = a.usu_codigo AND usu_situacao = 'ativo')
          (SELECT (count(usu_codigo)*5) FROM esc_usuarios WHERE usu_indicador_codigo in (
            (SELECT usu_codigo FROM esc_usuarios WHERE usu_indicador_codigo = a.usu_codigo AND usu_situacao = 'ativo')
        ) usu_porcentagem
        FROM esc_usuarios a
        WHERE usu_codigo = 1
  • Hello friend, welcome. Come on, could you detail better how you would like to assign this number 10 to each row returned? would it be a column specific to the table consulted or would it be a variable within the loop in which you query the lines in php? because until now I think I could solve everything within the select itself... try to better detail your objective and the situation please.

  • Hello! So, in this system, one person can register other people, and these other people register more people, forming a hierarchy. If the first one registers the second one, the first one gets 10 points, and if the second one registers the third one, the first one gets 5 points and the second one gets 10 points, then if you registered someone and they’re "active", 10 points for you, and +5 for each person you registered, register another

  • @Then I wanted to show how many points a person already has, adding the 10’s that she registered, + the 5’s that the people she registered, and so on

  • The score will stay only on 10 and 5, wanted to use as a variable within the loop

  • then it is a query of users where the id is the session code and it is as "active", only applying this rule of 10 and 5 points for each registered user

  • right, and how do we know who was registered by whom or who registered who? How is the table structure?

  • in the table of registered users, this "usu_indicador_code" is a foreign key where it shows the id of who registered it, and in the registration form, it already inserts the id of the Session, ie, of who is registering

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1 answer


Friend, if I understood your intention correctly, I wouldn’t need PHP intervention to calculate the score. You can perform the entire calculation on the database side. Follow the corresponding select and link with the example running.

Note: I used the field id as the key Primary, switch to what you used.

This select returns all data of all users with a column with the score on the side. To return this column is made a sub-select to return the score of the direct indication, summed with the other sub-select with the indication of the indicated.

Select * , (
  (Select (count(id)*10) from esc_usuarios where usu_indicador_codigo =
  (Select (count(id)*5) from esc_usuarios where usu_indicador_codigo in (
    (Select id from esc_usuarios where usu_indicador_codigo =
) pontos
From esc_usuarios a
Where usu_situacao = 'ativo'

If you want a specific user, enter the rule in Where as you did in your example.

AND id = '" . $_SESSION['codigo'] . "'

Follow the link to test:! 9/334a44/2

  • Perfect! Just what I needed, I am very grateful, looking now it is much easier to understand the logic.

  • Boy, I’m just having a little problem, the query I updated based on yours, it’s not counting the assets that give 5 points, it only counts if there is someone active that gives 10 points. For example, user 1 registered user 2 (+10), so user 2 registered user 3(+5), only if user 2 is inactive, user 1 does not receive the 5 user points 3. I will update the post.

  • Ah, if user 3 is inactive, user 1 still gets 15 points, when it should only be with 10, that would be by user 2 be active

  • when I take the condition situation = 'active', it counts normal, only that this condition is very necessary for the project

  • Nevermind, I took a bottle of coffee and discovered the hahahha error, thank you

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