I am not able to enter data in the database


Viewed 84 times


I’m unable to enter data into the database, I was using the PDO, but now I’m using the MySql, because I was only able to list database data with the MySql, I am able to list the data but I am not able to enter.

$host = "localhost";
$usuario = "root";
$senha = "";
$bd = "nise";

$mysqli = new mysqli($host, $usuario, $senha, $bd);
    echo"Falha na conexão: (".$mysqli->connect_errno.")".$mysqli->connect_error;


Here is the file PHP

include("includes/conexao.php");//conexão com o banco

$consulta = "SELECT id, data, descricao, imagem, id_bloco, qual_descricao, id_denuncia_oque FROM denuncia";
$con = $mysqli->query($consulta) or die ($mysqli->error);

    $query = "INSERT INTO resposta_denuncia (descricao_resposta, imagem, id_usuario) 
        VALUES (:descricao_resposta, :imagem, :id_usuario)";

    $statement = $mysqli->prepare($query);

    $path = "img_denuncia/";
    $path = $path . basename( $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']);
    if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded_file']['tmp_name'], $path))

    $valores = array();
    $valores[':descricao_resposta'] = $_POST['descricao_resposta'];
    $valores[':imagem'] = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name'];
    $valores[':id_usuario'] = 2;

    if(!isset($_POST['descricao_resposta']) or empty($_POST['descricao_resposta'])) {
        echo 0;
    }elseif($result = $statement->execute($valores)) {
        echo 1; // dados enviados com sucesso
    } else {
        echo 0; // erro ao tentar enviar dados 



  • 2

    Code indentation is not adequate and leads to errors of equal interpretation in this excerpt: if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded_file']['tmp_name'], $path))&#xA; $valores = array();

1 answer


The code has two problems, the first is the lack of associating the values with the placeholders the function bind_param() does this. The second lib Mysqli does not support named placeholders (:nome) only positional parameters the queries.

The code should look like this:

$query = "INSERT INTO resposta_denuncia (descricao_resposta, imagem, id_usuario) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";

$statement = $mysqli->prepare($query);
$statement->bind_param('ssi', $valores[':descricao_resposta'], $valores[':imagem'], $valores[':id_usuario']);

I did a refactoring to simplify the logic of the code:

    exit('0 - descrição vazia');


    $path = "img_denuncia/";
    $path = $path . basename( $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']);

    if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded_file']['tmp_name'], $path)){

        $valores[':descricao_resposta'] = $_POST['descricao_resposta'];
        $valores[':imagem'] = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name'];
        $valores[':id_usuario'] = 2;        

        $query = "INSERT INTO resposta_denuncia (descricao_resposta, imagem, id_usuario) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
        $statement = $mysqli->prepare($query);
        $statement->bind_param('ssi', $valores[':descricao_resposta'], $valores[':imagem'], $valores[':id_usuario']);

        $msg = $statement->execute() ? '1 - sucesso' : 'erro no banco: '. $statement->error;

    exit('0 - arquivo vazio');

If you are using php5.6 or higher you can optimize the bind_param() thus:

$valores = [$_POST['descricao_resposta'], $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name'], 2];     

$query = "INSERT INTO resposta_denuncia (descricao_resposta, imagem, id_usuario) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
$statement = $mysqli->prepare($query);
$statement->bind_param('ssi', ...$valores);

Remember that the array values must be in the same positions as the columns described because the association is by position.

  • You could edit my code with these changes you made available, not being able to see where I put this piece of code.

  • 1

    @Paulovictor edited the code.

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