I am a programmer beginner in C# and would like to help my company get off the paper, is an Ice Cream Factory.
We make available freezers
for clientes
. I am developing a system that manages the freezers
that each cliente
has. A Customer can have multiple freezers of various types.
Ice cream shop Claudinho can have 1 vertical freezer, 2 horizontal etc....
It is a ratio 1 to N?
Table Cliente
= idCLient, namFantasia, Cnpj, address;
Table Freezer
= idFreezer, model, voltage, capacity, quantity;
Or N to N ?
What is the Freezer x Client relationship? If it is the current locations, a freezer cannot be in more than one customer and therefore would be 1xN; but if it is all locations, a freezer can be leased by different customers in different time spaces, being an Nxn relation.
– Woss
It depends on how you handle the data... Like what Anderson commented above, you may also need to have an auxiliary table to have a history of who the freezers have already been rented for, this is all very broad and needs a deeper analysis than you need in your system :D
– Alvaro Alves