I’m studying Assembly, and I found codes to work with TFT/LCD displays, and I couldn’t find information on a specific instruction, it moves multiples of a long chain of data loggers to the address logger, but the address register is within parentheses preceded by a numeral. What does this instruction do? And what would be the name of this operation so I can get more information about? I know the pre-aincrement and post-decrement and vice versa, but I had never seen this instruction. The specific parts of the code below:
movem.l d0/d1/d2/d3, 4(a0)
movem.l 4(a0), d0/d1/d2/d3
move.l d7-d6, 0(a7)
move.l 0(a0), -(a7) ;aqui por exemplo, ele move o primeiro operando que eu não sei o que faz, para um pré-decremento de a7
move.l 2(a0), (a7)+ ;e aqui para um pós-incremento de a7
move.b d2, 2(d0)
This is outside the standard used in the 2 most common notations or is not x86.
– Maniero
It is Assembly for Microcontrollers, and the 8086 probably does not need memory increment/decrease as it has the instructions inc and Dec replacing the
addq.b #1, %registrador%
, placing the carry in or Borrow in respectively. The code compiles perfectly, but if I remove, for example 0(A0), leaving only A0, the information on the model T6963C 160x128 LCD display is not displayed. Unfortunately the datasheet of Zilog Z8L18020FSG has no reference to it.– Richard