Column 'discount' cannot be resolved. How to use a column that is the result of a calculation to calculate another column in the same query?


Viewed 44 times


I have the following query:

Select price, col2, col3*7.5 AS desconto, (price*desconto) AS finalprice
From tab1.

When I run I get the following message: Column 'desconto' cannot be resolved.

How to resolve this error?

Note: I’m running on AWS Athena following the same SQL standard.

  • Have you considered using a CTE ( ) to handle the columns before using?

  • What the SGBD used?

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2 answers


Based on your Query, it is not better to do it the way below?

Select price, col2, col3*7.5 AS desconto, (price*(col3*7.5)) AS finalprice
From tab1.


One option is to use a subquery in the FROM:

       x.price * x.desconto AS finalprice
  FROM (
    SELECT price,
           col3 * 7.5 AS desconto
      FROM tab1
  ) x

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