How to plot/map spatial random effects (Spatial Random Effects) in R?


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I am working with visceral leishmaniasis data in census tracts of a Brazilian municipality. I ran a Baysian space model (CAR conditional autoregressible model) BYM from the Carbayes package in the R software. However, I’m unable to visualize and export the spatial random effects (Spatial Random Effects). Could someone help me with this? Very obgda.

modelbym1 <- S.CARbym(formula = eq1, data =,   
                family = "poisson", W = W2, burnin = 100000,  
                n.sample = 300000, thin = 20) 
  • 1

    Hi Patricia, it is not possible to replicate your error with only this line of code. First you could indicate your packages with library(x) and then generate a database (or use one of the ones that already exist in R, like iris, mtcars, etc), so it is possible to help you.

1 answer


The code for exporting random spatial effects is:

pmean = apply(modelbym1$samples$psi,2,mean) 
write.csv(pmean, file = "pmean.csv") 

Then just make a Join with the ". shp" pq values are exported in the same order as the original data.

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