I’m doing a quiz in Unity and I have an error that I can’t solve, I’ve researched similar errors but I can’t identify, this message appears when I’m running the quiz
Nullreferenceexception: Object Reference not set to an instance of an Object Gamecontroller.Start() (at Assets/Gamecontroller.Cs:39)
this is the Gamecontroller
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text textoPergunta;
public Text textoPontos;
public Text textoTimer;
public Text highScoreText;
public SimpleObjectPool answerButtonObjectPool;
public Transform answerButtonParent;
public GameObject painelDePerguntas;
public GameObject painelFimRodada;
private DataController dataController;
public RoundData rodadaAtual;
private QuestionData[] questionPool;
private bool rodadaAtiva;
private float tempoRestante;
private int questionIndex;
private int playerScore;
List<int> usedValues = new List<int>();
private List<GameObject> answerButtonGameObjects = new List<GameObject>();
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
dataController = FindObjectOfType<DataController>();
rodadaAtual = dataController.GetCurrentRoundData(); //ERRO Some quando tiro essas linhas
questionPool = rodadaAtual.perguntas; //ERRO
tempoRestante = rodadaAtual.limiteDeTempo; //ERRO
playerScore = 0;
questionIndex = 0;
rodadaAtiva = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (rodadaAtiva)
tempoRestante -= Time.deltaTime;
if (tempoRestante <= 0)
// Funções
private void UpdateTimer()
textoTimer.text = "Timer: " + Mathf.Round(tempoRestante).ToString();
private void ShowQuestion()
int random = Random.Range(0, questionPool.Length);
while (usedValues.Contains(random))
random = Random.Range(0, questionPool.Length);
QuestionData questionData = questionPool[random];
textoPergunta.text = questionData.textoDaPergunta;
for (int i = 0; i < questionData.respostas.Length; i++)
GameObject answerButtonGameObject = answerButtonObjectPool.GetObject();
AnswerButton answerButton = answerButtonGameObject.GetComponent<AnswerButton>();
private void RemoveAnswerButtons()
while(answerButtonGameObjects.Count > 0)
public void AnswerButtonClicked(bool estaCorreto)
if (estaCorreto)
playerScore += rodadaAtual.pontosPorAcerto;
textoPontos.text = "Score: " + playerScore.ToString();
if(questionPool.Length > questionIndex + 1)
public void endRound()
rodadaAtiva = false;
public void ReturnToMenu()
I realized that every time I take the datacontroller.getcurrentRoundData
he stops this error, but I can’t see where the error is in this function or in the subsequent ones, because this GetCurrentRoundData
is like this:
public RoundData GetCurrentRoundData()
return todasAsRodadas[rodadaIndex];
I don’t know if the error is really there and I can’t identify, what I checked was that taking the lines from the footballThis stop to give this error, now how to solve I do not know, if saying something the codes are zipped at the link below the Dropbox, I’m following a tutorial but the code is apparently identical to the tutorial: tutorial link
it didn’t work because the error only disappears when I take the lines related to the Rodadatual, that dataController is not making any difference in the error, I already took these lines to test, I did what Oce said and keeps giving exactly the same error, I tried to demonstrate more in the question to see if it becomes clearer
– Iago Duarte de Aguiar
You created a gameobject, put the Datacontroller script on it and then make the call?
– user103375
solved, reset the tutorial from scratch and should have some typo, I could not identify what it was, but now it is running 100% vlw help
– Iago Duarte de Aguiar