Publish play store error


Viewed 291 times


I have an application in Google Playstore and started to generate this problem, and I can’t upload my changes at the moment:

You have uploaded an APK or Android App Bundle with invalid or missing subscription information in some of the files. Create a valid signed APK or Android App Bundle.

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I already signed the .apk with jarsigner and compactei via zipalign. Use Ionic v3.

I have already sent several updates of this application, and I have the Keystore subscription where I run the command:

sudo "jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore MYAPP-release-key.keystore MYAPP.apk MYAPP"

and after that I have to compress according to the documentation in:

It occurred that you are now causing this error message that is in the image.

Does anyone know what might be going on?

  • Please Daniel, specify the problem better, but write the explanation in the question instead of writing most of the question title, and put the written error message in the question as well, for ease.

  • I have an app in the play store and have already sent several updates, and I have the signature Keystore where I run the command sudo "jarsigner -verbose -sigalg Sha1withrsa -digestalg SHA1 -Keystore MYAPP-release-key.Keystore MYAPP.apk MYAPP" and after that I have to compress according to the documentation in, it occurred that is now causing this error message that is in the image

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