Sum values with Angularjs


Viewed 514 times


I am trying to add two values. Example value 150.00 and value 50.00. I tried to do so {{value + value}} and is returning 150.0050. No way to do the sum this way? ng-repeat value and input field value

2 answers


This is because valueB and valueB are not numbers but strings, so by summing it is actually concatenating its values.

I’d have to wear something like {{Number(valorA) + Number(valorB)}}

Or convert the model directly into the controller, like this: $scope.valorA = parseFloat(valorA);

Just watch out for the number format, which should always have point as decimal separator, and never comma.


It’s very quiet to do what you need. In Javascript to work with float values is nice you convert the value. Note: The values must be using the . and not a , the ideal would be that its value is already with a semicolon instead of a comma, for example: 150.00 but if it is a comma string ex: '150.00' you can use a replace with a parseFloat. I’ll put a simple example to try to help.

app = angular.module('meuapp', []);

app.controller('moduloArray', function($scope) {
    $scope.dadosArray = [{
        valor1: '138,00',
        valor2: '25,00'
    }, {
        valor1: '56,00',
        valor2: '84,00'
    }, {
        valor1: '16,00',
        valor2: '73,00'
    //faz o replace trocando vírgula por ponto, convertendo em float e somando os dois numeros
    $scope.calcularValor = function(v1, v2){
      return parseFloat(v1.replace(',','.'))+parseFloat(v2.replace(',','.'));

<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app="meuapp">
    <div ng-controller="moduloArray">
            <tr ng-repeat="d in dadosArray">
                    <span ng-bind="d.valor1"></span> +
                    <span ng-bind="d.valor2"></span> =
                    <b ng-bind="calcularValor(d.valor1, d.valor2)"></b>

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